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Monday, September 24, 2007

Monday's are never easy

okay so we're really struggling with going Casein Free. How do people do this?

Today for breakfast Kira had:
Scrambled eggs, GF energy C potato bread spread with Olivio
Rice Milk (organic)
Pirates booty
Fried rice again (This has become a staple)
Yogurt (so hard to cut out)
A few bites of the meatloaf I made with some veggies.

I just can't be supermom! I'm so exhausted when I get home from work. Going gluten free is a full time job, I swear. If I pick up groceries I won't have time to hang out with Kira before she goes to bed. I only get to see a bit of her in the morning and at night. I need to devote my weekend to planning meals for the week. I think Kira would enjoy a GF chicken pot pie. But the recipe looks a bit complicated. Ill take any suggestions! Ideally quick and easy.


GFCF Mommy said...

I think that Kira's breakfast actually looks pretty good and nutritious!

I'm another GFCF mom, and my son is 5 but we started when he was 2. Hang in there! You can ease into the casein-free, baby steps are ok. I know it isn't easy. One thing that helped us was to mix a little of the casein-free yogurt (if soy is ok, we used o'soy) with the cow's milk yogurt. Start with just a little, then add more and after awhile she'll be having all casein-free.

As for variety, I wouldn't wory too much, just do the best you can, as long as she is thriving physically. Have you thought about a good multi-vitamin just for "insurance"? My son loves repetition too. He went for a month when all he wanted to eat was scrambled eggs! We still have that for breakfast almost every day.

I probably gave you more info than you wanted, but I just wanted to encourage you. You are not alone.


GFCF Mommy said...

Hi Kira,

You asked about vitamins. First, remember I am not a doctor so I can only speak from my experience. When we first started on the diet, I took my son to a nutritionist who looked at our food diaries. Her main concern was the lack of veggies. I had been worried about calcium, but she felt he was getting enough through the enriched rice milk and soy products. She felt a general GFCF multi would be fine.

For a number of different reasons, we ended up using some really expensive ones from Brainchild Nutritionals (online) that had some other supplements my son needed then later switched to some from Kirkman's but I wouldn't recommend those yet for you until Kira gets used to the diet, don't want to give her too many changes, you know? Unless you are working with a DAN doc who has specific suggestions. We never could afford DAN, I am "self-taught" so to speak!

Right now, I'd check your health food store for a basic multi that is GFCF. I think Nordic Naturals "Nordic Berries" would be good, though I don't know how they taste. They are kind of new.

Hero's Nutritional "yummi bears" multi-vitamin is one we used until we switched to Brainchild. They look like gummy bears and are gfcf. My son loved them! They should be easy to find.

Hope that helps, sorry to write a book!


Anonymous said...

Well said.