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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Been a long time

Okay so I've really been slacking on this board. Kira is still gluten free though! It's been over 3 months. Kira is doing really well. Since I last posted she has learned to walk pretty well and loves to page through all of her books. We're hoping her language skills will pick up.

So I've been "tagged" to post 8 interesting things about myself. So here I go:

1) My first pet was a guinea pig named Nibbles. My parents gave him away while I was at school because they thought I wasn't taking good are of him. The truth is that I constantly fed him vegetables and unwittingly gave him a continuous case of diarrhea, making it very difficult to keep his cage clean. My parents actually went up to a boy and bribed him twenty dollars to take Nibbles! I was devastated and traumatized.

2) I grew up in Minnesota so I have these earthy roots. In seventh grade my entire grade was sent to a winter camp called Widjiwagen which is located way up north. We were forced to write contemplative essays in our journals while sitting outside in the freezing snow. I even slept on a tarp outside in the middle of a Minnesota winter night. I have never experienced such bone chilling cold. For "fun" we sat in a burning hot sauna and were then dunked into a frozen lake wearing nothing but wool socks. Yikes. I have plenty more stories about my experiences at the summer version of the camp.

3) I have played tennis since I was nine. I played competitively in highschool and in college. If you saw me now you wouldn't believe I was ever an athlete. I have worked out a total of two times since I had Kira. I nearly passed out when I tried to run a mile. I gained 40 lbs when I was pregnant with Kira. 15 months later I still haven't lost all of my pregnancy weight. Oh well. Guts are cute right?

5) My favorite movies are The Sound of Music, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Notting Hill, When Harry Met Sally, A Fish Called Wanda and My Own Private Idaho. Random assortment...

6) I was super scrawny growing up and insisted on wearing extra large men's T shirts when I was 4'10 and 78 lbs. On more than one occasion I was addressed as "sir".

7) I have been at the same job for 5.5 years, in finance. It totally doesn't suit my personality. I always hoped I would do something creative. Now I'm hoping to eventually switch careers and work with children.

8) My husband, daughter and I live together in an 800 sq foot apartment. We are cramped, but still love it. Where else can you order in from hundreds of restaurants? This city is amazingly diverse and filled with so many interesting people. yeah, I'm sure someday I'll want a yard and a place where Kira can ride her bike, but for now I'll settle for our little place and spartan lifestyle.